13 Sep 2017

STPM S3 just around the corner

I am quit from form 6.

Ya, I know some of you might say, "bodoh. alang-alang sudah tinggal 57 hari lagi seja." First of all, thanks for your 'supported bodoh word' and for those who are back-stabbing me -- Hey bad-mouth! shut the shit up and mind your own frecking poor life! 

I knew it "sayangnya. alang-alang sudah.." Me, myself felt the same way too, but, hey, I dont want to regret anything from form 6 when I got nothing in a year and half later. I dont want to repeat the same mistake I did when I was form 4 when the others said, "Try seja." but my parents said, "follow your heart". Hey, this is about FUTURE already.. 

A VERY BIG NO "GIVE IT A TRY" when you knew your limit and you can't do it. 
Am I right?

To be honest, I dont need others opinions when my parents already said, "Just go before Yu regret it next year when Yu can't achieve what Yu wants to be in the other day."

A very big thanks to those who are supporting me even I knew deep down you guys felt frustrated too about my decision. I'm not planned about this - at all. Pretty sorry to my lects too. Thanks for everything.

These are messages from my classmates, bestie, juniors and cousin. Touched.  Thanks guys, you really made my day.

p/s: Success is the best revenge. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช

17 Ogo 2017


Last couple weeks, I'd asked my classmates; men, a very simple question. Plus, one of them is my ex-crush. Lol! I asked them personally,

"what's the definition of pretty from your point of view?"

I got various answers from them:

  • Pak Dollah: Just be yourself and you'll be pretty the way you are.
  • Kiddo: Pretty is everything about simple. Eg: Not wearing too much make-up.
  • Mata Cantik: Pretty is everything. Eventho when she's gone mad, you as a her boyfriend still wearing a smile on your face bcus she looks cute when mad.
  • Mr H: Pretty is a woman who has a pretty face. A look is the priority things for me. Then, their attitude. And I can act handsome in front of them especially my girlfriend bcus she's pretty.
  • Mr Pilot: Pretty is a subjective words. But, from my point of view, pretty is when someone has pretty soul. Pretty face without having a pretty soul is nothing.

10 Ogo 2017

Sakit itu ujian dari Dia

GWS, my Muchkin'

Manusia memang tidak pernah lepas daripada ujian hidup. Salah satunya sakit. Semoga Allah senantiasa melindungi keluarga aku dari segala sakit yang bahaya, Muchkin' dan kening cantik sembuh -- Amin ya Rabb.

p/s: "Allah usik hati kita dengan ujian. Sebenarnya Dia rindu dengan kita. Dia rindu dengan suara kita untuk menyebut 'Ya Allah'." Aku mohon untuk sekali ini, jangan ditimpa aku dan keluarga aku ujian yang besar kerna kami tidak kuat ya Allah. Amin ya Rabb.

19 Jul 2017


You've wasted so much time wondering why people left you. Feelings faded. People will change somehow. So don't expect much from anyone. Focus on yourself first because nobody is going to help you except yourself and don't waste your efforts and time on those people anymore. 

People think I am stronger because of I have been through so many things. 

Truth is, I am not. I am still hurting when everyone is leaving. No matter who they are; close family members, friends, old friends and crush. (Crush?)

Phew! What was happening at school just now really effing bullshit. I just cannot wait to finish this last semester with flying colours and cloud nine -- Leave the bullshit things. EVERYTHING. Except for the certain things that brought tremendous memories to me.

p/s: "There are people who are fall in love like or crush with us, just like that. But, as time goes by, some just stop loving like or crush on us and walk away, just like that." Why am I feeling blue ya deep inside reading this statement? :( Maybe its a true fact nowadays that people come and go from our life; easily.

15 Jul 2017


Assalamualaikum & salam 1 Malaysia.

Yesterday -- 14 of July, Mega Raya 2017 at SMK Bukit Garam. Me -- one of the upper 6 geography students was having a very good day. Not to forget, it was a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious event for me due to i'd a chance to take pictures with crush, handsome teachers, daddy, the perawans kmk and my beloved comrades. For sure, I am very jubilant that day because mega raya is the only day that you (as a student) for sure against the school rule by bring-ing cellphone to take pictures (then, upload in social medias of yours) and brought karaoke set (that discipline teacher already told not to bring that during the assemble). but, teachers didn't do anything on that day. (ya meh?)

I, once has a camera bah (not mine actually but family's). But there's some technical errors so I decided not to bring it.

Check it out the picturessssss ๐Ÿ’–

a scheme lady who promoting herself that she's "SINGLE". lulz

perawans KMK

upper 6 (2) ladies with Cikgu Zaimah (pengajian am teacher)

mata cantik and Cikgu Zaimah



#closefriend twinie

junior since SK Kota

#closefriend junior ft adik angkat

favorite teacher ever

handsome junior yg manja ft suka merajuk. lulz

a very cute and caring class monitor & asst. class monitor of upper 6(2)

daddy & kiddoss - Anggerik 2014/15

Cikgu Rudy; a handsome teacher

When i was uploading this picture last night, there's some of my girlfriends that, "eeeeei, jelesnya aku!" "tung ah!" "kau tau ka aku lama sudah minat dan perhati cikgu ni tau. tapi malu mau begambar sama dia." Laugh out loud, ladiessssss! You only live once and the mega raya is the once in a year event (this is our last year in this school), so why not, right? Be brave! :D

Cikgu Nizuan; class teacher during 2012

my kiddo who love to membebel like mommies

friend from the same hometown; Tawau

p/s: actually there's a lot of pics that i want to upload but i do not want to. i think i gotta go now. want to have my late lunch (at 5:18pm). wait! how come aaah we forget to take pic with Cikgu Akmal yesterday?!? :(


4 Jul 2017

Luah rasa abang rock

Kelmarin, classmate aku, abang rock, entah kenapa tiba-tiba meluah dengan aku. Dia kata, "Yu, kau tau ka lelaki dan perempuan ni nda boleh rapat sebab lama-lama akan jadi suka. Tidak kira dari lelaki tu duluan atau perempuan." Ayat klise. Ya, tersangat. Aku tanya balik dia soalan maut, "jadi selama ni kau pernah tertangkap suka dengan twinnie ku lah ni kan?" Dia diam sambil senyum. Lama dia begitu, "ya, dulu. tapi sebab aku sayang dia dan orang lain tackle dia lebih dulu dari aku, aku cuba untuk anggap dia sebagai kawan rapat seja."

Kadang, ada betulnya juga apa yang dia cakap tu -- "lelaki dan perempuan tu nda boleh jadi kawan rapat." Sebab aku juga pernah banyak kali terjebak dengan benda alah tu. Cumanya aku pernah tersuka dengan kawan rapat sendiri satu kali, angry bird namanya. Aku tidak pernah confess perasaan gila tu sampai sekarang. Wonder why? Aku sayang friendship aku dengan dia. Perasaan itu juga boleh dikawal. 

Guess what? Pemerhatianku selama ni betul pasal abang rock -- dia lembut hati tapi entah kenapa dia tutup kelemahan dia tu dengan bersikap ganas dan kasar. Malahan berlagak kuat dengan bergaduh (sebelum masuk form 6. aku tahu benda ni sebab sekolah kami dekat waktu aliran perdana) dengan orang lain untuk tidak menampakkan orang lain kelemahan dirinya yang dulunya pernah dibuli. Abang rock tipikal manusia yang sukar untuk dijangka kata-katanya sebab bila bercakap kadangnya kosong. Ya -- KOSONG! Tapi bila dipandang dan diperhatikan, perbezaan reaksi mukanya boleh dibaca; waktu bila dia menipu dan waktu bila dia bercakap benar.

p/s: Abang rock patut lebihkan masa depannya sendiri berbanding dengan orang lain. Kedengaran selfish? Ya, kadangnya hidup di dunia ini perlu selfish untuk perkara-perkara tertentu; masa depan sendiri.

13 Jun 2017

buka hati?

entah kenapa, lirik lagu ni tersangat mengena dengan aku - baris 1 dan baris 2. entahlah!

buka hati? apa, kau ingat buka hati ni sesenang buka pintu tandas dan kencing?

p/s: buat masa ni biarlah masa yang menentukan segalanya. malas mau fikir. mungkin aku patut undur diri demi diorang. bukan mungkin, tapi yeah! itu yang terbaik. aku patut beri ruang untuk diorang dua. semoga bahagia :) terima kasih untuk semua memori indah, kawan rapat.

12 Jun 2017

Lumrah manusia

Memang, yang namanya manusia ini, terkadang Tuhan takdirkan untuk bertemu dengan manusia lain hanya sekejap.

Cukup untuk membina sebingkai kenangan sebagai penyambung rindu di kemudian hari.

Jadi, biasa-biasakanlah hati untuk menerima kunjungan yang tidak kekal.

p/s: ya, aku sedang mencuba.

8 Jun 2017



alhamdulillah, masih diberi kesempatan oleh-Nya untuk bernafas di muka bumi ini selama 19 tahun 1 hari. terima kasih kepada semua ahli keluarga, teachers, friends, classmates, crush(s), friends di alam maya atas ucapan "Happy Birthday" dan doanya dari kalian. sangat dihargai. terima kasih sekali lagi.

classmate form 6

 yang di atas tu ucapan tulus ikhlas dari geng Perawans Kg Mentimun Kering alias ex-classmates time form 4 & form 5 (2014-2015)


kakak sepupu

ex-classmates 2007 (darjah 3 di sk kota)

ex-classmate form 6

ucapan dari ex-schoolmate; sk kota kinabatangan

masdiana, form 6 (classmate)

schoolmate, putet (form 6)

ex-classmates, athirah farihah

mengaji-mate, farhan (schoolmate) yang ajar mengaji di ATQ kinabatangan

junior, lower 6

cousin, natasha (sebaya / form 6 di smk balung)

ex-classmate (2014, form 4)

gg, cousin (lower 6 di smk balung)

sai, ex-classmate form 4 - form 5 (team Perawans KMK)

schoolmate (sebaya / form 6)

ucapan tulus ikhlas dari orang yang disayangi, my soulmate alias best friend.

senior dari sk kota & form 6, khairul (tua setahun)

lala alias twinnie, my close friend

sir redzuan, cikgu favourite (ajar english) #genggemini #10thjun

ain alias anak datin dan azman (ex-classmate form 1-3, 2011 -2013)

murni, kawan alam maya dari fb dan editor blogskin

kawan rapat lelaki, ramzie. yang ni special sebab permintaan tertunai (birthday song dalam bahasa korea)

izzah, kawan rapat dari sk kota 

afiq, cousin yang semboi (tua 2 tahun) kenapa wish yang terakhir? :(

dan ada ucapan dari hafizin (kawan di facebook tapi sent wish semalam di whatsapp). semua ucapan tu dari whatsapp dan instagram. yang ini pulak dari facebook.

ucapan dari umi ❤

ucapan dari abah ❤

yang ni dari ahli keluarga dan facebook friends

ucapan dari kawan rapat lelaki, yussuf (geng kiddo kiddy)

itu sahaja di entri kali ini. lulz! 

p/s: dan siapa ka gerangan crush itu? lulz!