1 Jun 2020

1st of june, 2020

it's been a long period i haven't update anything in here. today i want to share every single things in here (if i'm not sleepy yet).

• i'm a SID now
starting from april, 2020 i'm a shaklee independent distributor (SID) now. a lot i want to learn and achieve in this business especially during pandemic RMO because i gain nothing except from the BPN and abah gave me - alhamdulillah.

• 22 years old real soon
the "me" will turn to 22 years old on 7th of june 2020. it feels like a dream that i'm getting big in age, but still - alhamdulillah for everything. i still have umi, abah, pat and me myself. may Allah panjangkan umur kami semua dan dilindungi dari sebarang penyakit, amin ya mujib.

• relationship is sucks
i dont know in what suitable word/s that i should and suppose to say about my relationship, but it feels like day by day it getting sucks! relationship is BITCH-ing me sometime. urgh!

• syukur
a lot of things i want to say "alhamdulillah". alhamdulillah for everything ya Allah. joining Mirificial Legacy i met a lot of virtual friends that really helpful and friendly - positive vibes always around me. 

• i miss to further my studies
waiting for the graduation day is suck! and i might say bit B**** because of that i cang further my studies and work in a better environment education.

much lahve,
kak J.

p/s: need any health and beauty supplements, just find me in facebook (Hidayu Cosgen) or instagram (ayu.healthbeauty)

p/s/s: i talk a lot when i'm in a fucking stress mood but i know very well no one wants to be the ears to listen, understand and has bit of empathy in their heart. sigh! so, i decided to just let it here or tell strangers. and the best things is talk to Allah and tell Him everything.