1 Jun 2020

1st of june, 2020

it's been a long period i haven't update anything in here. today i want to share every single things in here (if i'm not sleepy yet).

• i'm a SID now
starting from april, 2020 i'm a shaklee independent distributor (SID) now. a lot i want to learn and achieve in this business especially during pandemic RMO because i gain nothing except from the BPN and abah gave me - alhamdulillah.

• 22 years old real soon
the "me" will turn to 22 years old on 7th of june 2020. it feels like a dream that i'm getting big in age, but still - alhamdulillah for everything. i still have umi, abah, pat and me myself. may Allah panjangkan umur kami semua dan dilindungi dari sebarang penyakit, amin ya mujib.

• relationship is sucks
i dont know in what suitable word/s that i should and suppose to say about my relationship, but it feels like day by day it getting sucks! relationship is BITCH-ing me sometime. urgh!

• syukur
a lot of things i want to say "alhamdulillah". alhamdulillah for everything ya Allah. joining Mirificial Legacy i met a lot of virtual friends that really helpful and friendly - positive vibes always around me. 

• i miss to further my studies
waiting for the graduation day is suck! and i might say bit B**** because of that i cang further my studies and work in a better environment education.

much lahve,
kak J.

p/s: need any health and beauty supplements, just find me in facebook (Hidayu Cosgen) or instagram (ayu.healthbeauty)

p/s/s: i talk a lot when i'm in a fucking stress mood but i know very well no one wants to be the ears to listen, understand and has bit of empathy in their heart. sigh! so, i decided to just let it here or tell strangers. and the best things is talk to Allah and tell Him everything.

25 Mac 2020

#StayAtHome you, Malaysianssssss!

Salam everyone especially you people; THE MALAYSIANS!

As we know, sekarang kita; malaysians dalam PERINTAH KAWALAN PERGERAKAN selama 2 minggu dari 18/3/2020 sehingga 31/3/2020 to prevent pandemic CORONA VIRUS DISEASE dari terus merebak. Oleh yang demikian, untuk memutuskan rantaian penyebaran COVID-19 ini...




If you are not a frontliners or pekerja-pekerja yang berkaitan dengan air, elektrik etc.

Tolonglah dengar nasihat, PM kita. Semua ni untuk kebaikan bersama juga. Janganlah degil betul. Bukan bah ni dibuat suka-suka, tapi bersebab. Untuk kebaikan juga. Janganlah degil betul mahu balik kampung jalan keliling dan beranggapan yang di kampung tu udaranya masih bersih jadi tiada jangkitan sana. 

YES! Kampung sangat bersih udaranya.



Jadi, fikir-fikirkanlah. Beri kerjasama pada semua pihak. Bukan suka-suka ini.

p/s: Doakan semoga semua ini akan berakhir sebelum bulan Ramadhan ataupun berakhir sebelum berakhirnya tahun 2020.